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build diary

July 19, 2005: Well, the Mini has been cooled and now has it's own website.
So that's done then. The diff mounts for the Seven are done so now all I have to do is put the big lump back in the car. Then drill some new mounting holes and do some reinforcements to the tranny tunnel. The latter will be a bit of a hassle as, while I have the ability to weld at home, I don't have much in the way of fabrication tools. I'll have to make the parts at the Flyin' Miata shop and bring them home. I'm starting to second-guess myself on how much new bracing to put in the car. Seems to me that designing and mounting sway bars will likely be more important and if I want to have this thing up and running happily before the Open House, I should get to work on that. A little more desultory test-fitting last night indicates that the front Miata sway will not go in happily with my radiator mount. Should I move the rad, or do something different with the swaybar? A rear Miata sway would actually work pretty nicely in the front and may be all the bar I need. Still, it's hard to ignore the results found on the ex-GRM car. Decisions, decisions.

I've also taken a few minutes to start wiring up the new instruments. Now I just need the nerve to turn on the car and see if they work.

It appears my guestbook is attracting spammers. Interesting, most of the code is my own. I'll see if I can fix it. Meanwhile, I apologise for the idiocy.

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