
what is the Seven?

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build diary

August 9, 2004: In a brief moment of spare time over the weekend, I put the car up on jackstands so that I can check it over carefully.
Another small leak in one of the radiator fittings had me pull the radiator out so it could be fixed properly. That should be done this week sometime once I get caught up with everything else that's going on. I really should change the transmission as well. Maybe later this week - I'm trying to convince myself it will be a fairly quick job. It should be, but until I've done it I'm a little concerned. That lack of synchro really slows down shifts into 2nd. It also gives me the ability to make truly embarassing noises with the transmission.

Most common question shouted from other cars when the Seven is on the road: "Did you make that yourself?". Second most common: "How fast does it go?". Somehow, top speed never entered my mind. Maybe I'll just answer "200 mph". Guys in pickup trucks don't quite understand the whole nimble concept.

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